Saturday, January 25, 2020

Cell Migration Essays -- Biology

Introduction Cell motility is currently one of the â€Å"hottest† areas in biology. An example of normal healthy migration is in adult skin, when cells migrate from the inner tissue to the outer layer to form a protective coating of dead skin cells. However, when referring to tumors, cell migration is dangerous. Skin tumors arise in the epidermis. The tumor then invades the dermis, creating a metastatic lesion, which breaks down tissue, including bone. This paper experiments with the two forms of morphology, elongated and rounded. The elongated morphology is dependent on Rac, a signaling protein. When GDP binds to the Rac, the signal is off and when GTP binds, it is turned on. The rounded morphology is dependent on a signal from Rho and ROCK, two more signaling proteins. Rho only sends a signal to move when it is activated by GTP. When protease activity is inhibited, elongated cells convert to the rounded form, and continue migration. So, to inhibit the movement of tumor cells, it is necessary to stop the elongated and rounded morphology. This experiment used Y27632, which inhibits Rho and PI, a protease which inhibits Rac. Through the use of these two inhibitors, Sahai and Marshall attempt to determine what exactly is most effective in preventing tumor movement and which signaling proteins activate which morphology. Methods I.) Distinct Modes of motility have different requirements for Rho and ROCK activity a. Methods 1. BE (colon carcinoma), LS174T (colon carcinoma), SW962 (squamous cell carcinoma), WM266.4 (melanoma), A375P, and A375m2(melanoma) cells were analyzed to test for cell invasion relative to the controls used. 2. The two controls used were TAT-C3 (which inactivates the RhoA, Rho... ...the elongated cells would not accomplish much. Tumor cells can also change the shape of movement that they use, so these inhibitors that stop the signaling in the cells may not be as effective as hoped. Though they would stop the rounded cells, the cells might be able to switch to an elongated shape and continue in their migration to other areas of the tissues. There are other methods, though, that would cause elongated cells to switch to the rounded cell shape for their migration. Sahai and Marshall are hoping that with further research, these two treatments may be combined to stop the migration of the cancerous cells and be a realistic, useable treatment for cancer in the future. Works Cited Erik Sahai and Christopher J. Marshall - "Differeing modes of tumour cell invations have distinct requirements for Rho/ROCK signalling and extracellular proteolysis." Cell Migration Essays -- Biology Introduction Cell motility is currently one of the â€Å"hottest† areas in biology. An example of normal healthy migration is in adult skin, when cells migrate from the inner tissue to the outer layer to form a protective coating of dead skin cells. However, when referring to tumors, cell migration is dangerous. Skin tumors arise in the epidermis. The tumor then invades the dermis, creating a metastatic lesion, which breaks down tissue, including bone. This paper experiments with the two forms of morphology, elongated and rounded. The elongated morphology is dependent on Rac, a signaling protein. When GDP binds to the Rac, the signal is off and when GTP binds, it is turned on. The rounded morphology is dependent on a signal from Rho and ROCK, two more signaling proteins. Rho only sends a signal to move when it is activated by GTP. When protease activity is inhibited, elongated cells convert to the rounded form, and continue migration. So, to inhibit the movement of tumor cells, it is necessary to stop the elongated and rounded morphology. This experiment used Y27632, which inhibits Rho and PI, a protease which inhibits Rac. Through the use of these two inhibitors, Sahai and Marshall attempt to determine what exactly is most effective in preventing tumor movement and which signaling proteins activate which morphology. Methods I.) Distinct Modes of motility have different requirements for Rho and ROCK activity a. Methods 1. BE (colon carcinoma), LS174T (colon carcinoma), SW962 (squamous cell carcinoma), WM266.4 (melanoma), A375P, and A375m2(melanoma) cells were analyzed to test for cell invasion relative to the controls used. 2. The two controls used were TAT-C3 (which inactivates the RhoA, Rho... ...the elongated cells would not accomplish much. Tumor cells can also change the shape of movement that they use, so these inhibitors that stop the signaling in the cells may not be as effective as hoped. Though they would stop the rounded cells, the cells might be able to switch to an elongated shape and continue in their migration to other areas of the tissues. There are other methods, though, that would cause elongated cells to switch to the rounded cell shape for their migration. Sahai and Marshall are hoping that with further research, these two treatments may be combined to stop the migration of the cancerous cells and be a realistic, useable treatment for cancer in the future. Works Cited Erik Sahai and Christopher J. Marshall - "Differeing modes of tumour cell invations have distinct requirements for Rho/ROCK signalling and extracellular proteolysis."

Friday, January 17, 2020

Crime control vs. Due Process Essay

The criminal justice system in the United States has over time and in recent times been developed in two model systems. The crime control model and due process model. The two systems have been adopted over time to deal with the spiraling rate of crime. On the one hand conflict and crime control model which other commentators have referred as social reality crime tend to associate the crime on how it is affected by the dynamics that mould the society’s social, economic and political structure. The crime control model works on the assumption that the criminal law as enacted by parliament and enforced by the police and prosecutors can control crime. This model looks to the legislature as opposed to the courts as its validating authority and accepts extensive reliance that legislatures place on the criminal sanction. (The new law victim’s rights, Kent Roach). The crime control policy otherwise termed by Malcolm M Feeley and Jonathan Simon as a new concept in their article ‘The new penology’ is neither about punishing nor about rehabilitating individuals. The system is about identifying and managing unruly groups. On the other hand consensus and due process model describes the values that courts have embraced in many of their decisions. The model’s main purpose is protection of rights of citizens. Due process is like an obstacle course, you have to keep going through the legal obstacle to ensure in the end you convict the right person. In crime control model the law enforcement possesses the investigative powers to arrest people for questioning, and this is often the fastest way by which to establish the suspect is factually guilty. This model performs the role of getting the criminal off the street and protects the innocent. The law enforcement leads in this role. In due process model, law enforcement has little role to play. The bulk is performed by the prosecution which lays the crime committed by the offender before the court. The court’s role is to find the guilt of the offender and ensuring that the offender’s rights are safeguarded. In controlling crime, the correctional facilities have an important role to play, the kind of rehabilitating an offender who is released into the society matters a lot. The correction can also play a significant role where offenders who are due to be released are not reformed enough to be sent to the unsuspecting members of the public. Malco M. Feeley & Jonathan in their new penology document focuses on what role correction can perform. They dwell more on incapacitation which they say promises to reduce the efforts of crime in society not by altering either offender or social context but by rearranging the distribution of offender in the society. If the prison can nothing else, the incapacitation theory hold says that, it can detain offender for a time and thus delay their resumption of criminal activity. If such delay is sustained for enough time and enough offenders, siginificant aggregate effects in crime can take place although individual destinies are only marginally altered. The Federal application of the crime control has been traditionally directed at problems transcending state boundaries, with maintaining law and order in are subject exclusively to federal jurisdiction or national concern. The 107th congress did enhance authorities of the department of justice (DOJ) and in specific the Federal Bureau of Investigation in dealing with homeland security and anti-terrorism problems which arose from the September 11, 2001 attacks. Included are expanded federal law enforcement authority in such areas as wiretapping and related investigative tool to aid law enforcement official in the war on terrorism e. g. USA Patriot Act. (Jo Anne O Bryant & Lis Segheli,congressional research Service update September 11,2002) Congress has been extending federal jurisdiction over crime to areas once considered to be within state and local jurisdiction (e. g. juvenile justice and gun control) and enlarging federal support of state and local efforts to combat crime over last two decades. In general, the federal is trying to adopt crime control by pre-emptively dealing with measures which can enable prevention of crime in a bid to control. In contrast states have areas which they dwell on and some are left to the jurisdiction of the federal government or agencies. For example terrorism laws are federal laws are congress has come up with laws dealing with terrorism laws and also ways of controlling and safeguarding the boundaries of United States. The local or state jurisdiction has crime control measures within the sphere which does not overstep the mandate of federal agencies. Matters to do with dues process are both for the state and federal. Due process has been a process of the courts and the courts always will endeavor to defend their mandate of making laws and at the same time protecting existing one. The state and the federal have no option when the courts tend to hold opinion which they legally support. The crime control policy is preemptive in nature. That is to say it seeks to have prevention done in order to check the rate of crime in society. To some extent it is a perfect system to deal with a rate of crime that never comes down. Crime control policy does not have any adverse effect in the society’s social, economic state. While on the other hand due process being a court initiated process ensures that the rights are not violated by law enforcement. Due process is offender minded whereas crime control is society minded. It is relatively easier to ascertain the performance of crime control policy in comparison with due process. The rate of crime in society may fall relatively if the emphasis is laid crime. Opinion from the law enforcement can also be sought in evaluating their performance and what they think about the two policies. The courts also may provide vital information with regard to due process because they can make the best judgment than law enforcement. Officials in correctional facilities can also provide vital information on the crime control model as they play a large part in implantation of some recommendations. 1. The new law victim’s rights, Kent Roach. 2. The new penology,Malcom M. Feeley & Jonathan Simon 3. Congressional Research Service update sept. 11,2002 ,Jo Anne O Bryant & Lisa Segheli

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Analysis Of The Movie The Nickel - 1180 Words

Richard has to make the decision to stay with his dad or mom. To get Richard to stay with him, he gives him a nickel showing him that he will be able to eat and won’t have to be hungry anymore. The nickel isn t enough to support yourself on, and Richard will still have to go out on his own and buy food. Wright is showing the us how low his father will go in order to â€Å"win† Richard. Richard wants is a guardian and caregiver, a man with money. Richard is always worried about food – he is looks at the pile of bread and all he can think about is that there isn’t going to be enough food for the morning. A kid shouldn’t repeatedly have to worry about food and having a meal on the table the next day. Richard does worry about these things because†¦show more content†¦When I go over to my stepbrothers house and stay the night, I usually have nothing to eat. My stepmom is a vegetarian, so at her place we only eat fake tofu meats. Everyone at some point has felt that everything they do isn t right and that they always mess up. Richard can t do anything right by his family. He dodges his grandmothers slap, but she hurts her back. When his grandfather dies, he tries to tell his uncle, but his uncle only gets mad at him. Because he can t please anybody, he grows more independent and starts defying his grandma and aunt. He gets a job, and Granny and Addie make it clear that Richard is now truly dead to them. Richard’s mother is proud of him for rebelling. All Richard wanted was an answer. When his mother tries to connect him with religion, it only makes everything worse. Richard can t connect with god the same way everyone else does. However he allows himself to get baptized, so his mother would be pleased. Soon after his mother gets another stroke, and Richard becomes more confused. Had he done something wrong? Why was his mother suffering even after he tried to accept god? Richard grows depressed because he knows that all this education hasn t given him any skills to earn living. His grandmother is giving hint that it was his time to move out, and he is confused on what to do. Richard will probably run away from home for good and escape the south for good. Richard and his brother weren t that